Strategic Thinking Systems

Think Better with AI

Welcome to STS, your AI-powered solution to think better and collaborate on important decisions.Easily connect to the AI of your choice, keep full control over what information you provide it, and maximize the value you get from its answers.Streamline your workflow, enhance productivity, and unlock new possibilities for innovation. Say goodbye to complex AI integration and cumbersome “prompting” – STS makes it simple and efficient to harness the full power of AI.Experience the future of AI-powered collaboration with STS. Join us today and revolutionize the way you work. Let STS empower you and your team to achieve more, faster, and with greater precision. The possibilities are endless!

“People feel overwhelmed by ChatGPT.
When I saw how STS solves this, it was obvious to me how much more powerful it was. I fell in love immediately!”
- Business consultant

The case for a better way to decide

Leading Change in the age of AI.

AI is both a source of disruptions and a powerful ally to tame the unique challenges of the day.With tried and true change management best practices and cutting-edge cognitive science insights, take your decision-making process to the next level with STS AI-powered Companions.

“We ran a brainstorming session with six professionals from three countries, each with their unique skills and preferences regarding how to tackle an issue.
We were amazed by all that we accomplished in one session, and how STS seamlessly allowed everyone to contribute in its own way.”
- Head of marketing and innovation

The case for Impact

Decisions that matter.

At STS, we are committed to doing good by the people, their livelihood, and the planet they live on.Got an idea on how to make the world a better place? Tell us about it!

“I asked Microsoft Copilot for assistance converting energy figures from various sources. I spotted some mistakes in its answers, then wrestled 30 minutes trying to make it correct them.
I went through the same exercise with STS and got all I needed in 5 minutes.”
- Sustainability expert

Our team



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